Saturday, April 5, 2008

27 dresses on 27th of march =RM27

Lamanya tak update blog...semua pasal pc masuk hospital...macam berjanji plak...pc opis dgn pc rumah sama2 masuk sepital..:D
Last week, on 27th March, 3 of us, azura and mas decided pi tgk cerita yang kitorg beriya2 nak tgk setelah sekian lama.... an interesting coincidence facts... kitorg tgk 27 dresses on 27th march and 3 tickets bernilai 27 hengget. Interesting kan...? Actually mas suruh aku scan ticket tu... tapi sorry la mas.. gue malas la nak buat...:D
i loves the story; 'always a bridesmaid never a bride' . loves the costumes [except for the 27 bridesmaid dresses.. eeuuuwww...] loves katherine and loves james marsden..hehehhe.. [nurul... ko mesti tgk cite ni...sgt sessuuaii utk org yg hopeless romantic like us... ;)]
a few points to ponder from this story:
1. if u happened to be a bridesmaid and never a bride.. the actual prob that u'r having is that u loves wedding...not marriage ... :D
2. u can find a difference between kissing a person u love and with the one u dont.. if u r kissing someone u dont love.. there wont be spark and magic [my married friend admitted that this is sooo true........ hmmm.....]
so guys.... cepatla pi woo.... :D nak pi cari dvd la cerita ni...:D


Azura Ahmad said...

bestkan jadi bridesmaid, boleh attend banyak wedding dan boleh pakai cantik2 dan duduk sebelah pengantin... semua orang tengok, amik gambar... bangganya. Walaupun kurang cantik dari pengantin tapi tetap lebih cantik dari tetamu yang datang... kan.. kan..

*Cik N*n, kau dah pilih bridesmaid kau ke?

Nurul Hana --- You said...

mcm nak jadik artis le..laku tak agak2?? {eemmpphh}

nuruliz said...

Isk isk aku sukah kalau citer-citer yang main2 ngan perasaan nih. Tapi orang yang dah kahwin cam aku takdenyer orang nak amik jadi bridesmaid...semua nak anak dara...cheh...sigh...

Nurul Hana --- You said...


Lee Young Ae said...

Betul tu Nurul... So aku ade can la lagi... Noni... jangan lupakan aku.. Aku pun nak baju free gak

tynn said... this is were you've been speending all that free time at your new office!!!!

i had a good read..hahhahhh...

syida said...

azura----> yg bestnye kalau jd bridesmaid kepada kawan yg kaya..hehehe..dapat tumpang berangan pun jadi la...JLo dlm wedding planner ckp kalau xdapat jd bride..jd wedding planner pun cukup la..:([cuma die tak cakap dlm bahasa melayu la..hahahh]

you---> ko ...nak jadik artis.... whatevaaa

nuruliz----> stil bleh jadik bridesmaid provided ko maintain alignment /stat body ko..e.g. bridesmaid ning..maple loo and elina efendi..both are married ladies BUT..their husband handsome gile la..hehhehe..oppppssss

mas---> kite ade chance ke jd bridesmaid?

fatin--->thanx 4 dropping by... time kat opis off takde broadband..that's why lama x update..:P