Thursday, March 6, 2008

Charlie Wilson's War

Memandangkan aku dgn zura peminat Tom Hanks dan Julia Robert, kitorg tgk la citer ni semalam... As usual, their acting are superb. This movie is based from a true story... ade humor and ade drama.... cerita on how the congressman yg x glamer influenced the US govt to give fund to the Afganistan to destroy the Russia.At the end of the day, as's a story about how US helped Pakistan finanvially to achieve victory against Russia. And the morale of the story... kite kene ade duit utk kalahkan org jahat kat dunia ni...


nuruliz said...

Hemmmm...kalau aku ada duit pun boleh ke aku kalahkan...u know who tuh...hehehehe..aku kena ada power dan cable sebesar piring kat angkasa tuh. Hehehehe..

Azura Ahmad said...

Pakistan ke Afghanistan?
bukan dia pi tengok kem Kandahar tu kat afghanistan ke...

syida said...

nuruliz-->ko sebenarnye perlu payung kuning laaaaaaa

azura---> hehehhe..silap la...

Nurul Hana --- You said...

aahh aku ada beli dvd 10 keping...sapa nak nanti sound aku ekk..tapi sayang, crite nie tak sempat beli le sebab kene ambush...opsss pecah rahsia beli cetak rompak...!